by Chris Hammond
Having once had the pleasure of living on the elegantly grim Marischal Street, I was once a mid-week regular at The Moorings. Here you could sit, scoof and survey the sights of Scotland’s most surreal harbour haunt.
Resembling a cross between a typical American dive bar and a secret pirate hideaway, the Moorings is a drunkards dream. Floor to ceiling are crammed with esoteric artefacts and nautical novelties, bar staff are unnervingly unhinged and the locals constitute a mix of students, seamen, goths, rockers and drifters. It’s a melting pot of boozed up mongrels, intent on a guaranteed hard rock, Jaegermeister fuelled oblivion. Live (predominately shit) music, dozens of exotic beers, tonnes of almost toxic shots and an overbearing atmosphere of excess, combine to provide bandana clad buccaneer and suited up scoundrel alike a momentously enjoyable experience.
In here I’ve been whipped, propositioned by a pregnant punk, survived some titanic urinal splashback and chatted to a tramp about constipation – all in the same evening. The Moorings is a one off and comes highly recommended.
ARE YOU kidding me?
This is where whos who of the Aberdeen trash go.. it smells of stale smoke, alcohol and other substances of human origin and I would never EVER recommend it to anyone- even my mortal enemy...
I now understand why you didnt like Slains Castle... lets see what else is reviewed here...
No I'm not kidding you.
I didn't know there was a 'who's who of the Aberdeen trash'. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.
Yes it is a bit dirty (did I not allude to this in the review?) but it also has plenty going for it.
Not least of which is a healthy attitude to promoting a certain scene (of which I'm not a part of) and adding a bit of originality to Aberdeen's drinking diet.
As for what else is going to be reviewed here? Stay tuned for the Prince of Wales, Blackfriars and Revolution.
Chris Hammond
The music is far from 'predominately shit' and is certainly a lot more welcoming/friendly than some of the fake bar/clubs you see around the rest of the town. Not once have I ever witnessed a fight in The Moorings, compare that to Priory with it's awful music, orange skinned, belt wearing 'woman' and 'gentlemen' that would quite happily lay you out for even the slightest wrong look. The Moorings may not be the most polished bar in town, but then again there is that saying about judging a book by it's cover.
Let's play a game, spot the guy who doesn't know how to embrace something unique and have a good time.
It's a proper rock bar for people who enjoy their music and alcohol in a really friendly setting, while not having to put up with pretentious prats who only go out to preen themselves and want to sit on show in pristine chrome plated so called rock bars .....I'd say lucky for the rest of us ;)
If they don't like it they can leave, drink elsewhere and let the rest of us enjoy a truly wonderful pub which embraces a whole variety of folk, some people want to live in a very narrow world, let's leave them to it ;D
Most excellent strange range of beers and ciders. Pixies are more than welcome too. Don't ask me how I know this. But I do. So there :P
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